Friday, May 25, 2007

NOTE of Supplemental Reading-The First Englsh Dictionary

1.When did Italian and French establish their dictionary respectively?
Ans:In 1582, the Italians established the Accademia della Crusca ti "purify" the Italian language. In France, in 1635, Cardinal Richelieu called upon his country to establish the Acamdmie Francaise to give "definite rules"to the French language.

2.Why did Charles esblished a comittee?What was his goals?
Ans:To work toward the standardizaion of the English language. The commitee's main goals sere to pubilsh a grammar of English, to create a lexicon, and to consider ways to standardization spelling.

3.Who and when complied the first dictionary?
Ans:It was compiled and written by Samuel Johnson.

4.How did it differ from word lists?
Ans:First, Johnson's dictionary included more words. His dictionary contained 100000 words, whereas the longest previous word list had contained only 40000 words. Second, his lexicon focused on word usage base on examples taken from the works the works of famous English writers.

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